Leadership is one's capacity to set and achieve goals, take fast and decisive action, and inspire others to perform at the highest level possible. In a more traditional sense, managers lead their staff to organizational and professional success. Though, it is important to note, that a title or position does not necessarily make someone a leader. There are also lots less traditional situations where the opportunity to lead presents itself. You can be a peer leader. You can, and should, be a cybersecurity leader in your organization.
There are endless characteristics that make one a great leader. Some of the more important ones are:
- Trustworthiness
- Positive attitude
- Humility
- Empathy
- Decision-making
- Delegation
No matter whether your goal is be a leader on the org chart like CISO or CIO or you want stay in a more technical or engineering role, cybersecurity needs people who can lead. Some situations where leadership skills are important are:
- Running a project team
- Representing cybersecurity in a cross functional group
- Setting strategy and direction for the cybersecurity for your business
- Mentoring and training new technical staff