The Challenges of Developing Soft Skills in Cybersecurity
Knowing technical things is a must in this field. It’s a technical discipline. But where do we go to learn about the other non-technical skills needed to be successful in the job?
If you start browsing the internet looking for cybersecurity training you’re going to be inundated with technical content. How to do a penetration test. Get better at SIEM queries. Write secure code. Analyzing and reverse engineering malware.
Knowing technical things is a must in this field. It’s a technical discipline. But where do we go to learn about the other non-technical skills needed to be successful in the job?
This site aims to be one such place where you can learn and grow.
Training today
But the challenges persist. Go to any conference website for training and you’re likely to only find highly technical content. Go to any site that offers online courses and you’ll see more of the same.
It’s often un-stated, but I have found that people seem to collectively feel that soft skills will just develop with experience (and maybe some maturity). I don’t think that’s good enough.
Building soft skills
As an example, my wife is a former actress and is a superb communicator. One of the ways her background has helped me tremendously in my own career is around public speaking. She prompts me to practice, remember key lines, and to think through audience engagement. These were skills that she developed in her former line of work and they are absolutely transferable.
Writing is also something we have to do constantly. We write emails, we write Slack messages, we write reports, and so on. Time spent on a task doesn’t necessarily make you better. Time spent on a task with effective feedback, prompts, and perhaps some background context and education will certainly make you better.
The problem, I believe, is we’re not providing the right kinds of training opportunities to build these foundational skills.
We’re hopefully going to help solve that problem through this site. I’m further hopeful that the meta trend towards cybersecurity as a business enabler leads into more opportunities in this area.