Frank Domizio

Frank Domizio

From patrolling the streets of Philadelphia to leading cybersecurity for a trillion dollar organization, I have always found that good communication is key to success.

Frank Domizio
Members Public

Mastering the Human Element: Emotional Intelligence in Cybersecurity Leadership

In cybersecurity, like many IT disciplines, technical prowess often takes center stage. Emotional intelligence (EI) in the field, especially in leadership roles, cannot be overstated. Cybersecurity leaders who excel in EI not only navigate complex technical challenges but also foster trust, collaboration, and resilience within their teams. Emotional intelligence encompasses

Frank Domizio
Members Public

Adapting Cybersecurity Frameworks: Customizing Strategy for Organizational Success

Compliance frameworks like NIST 800-53, HITRUST, and ISO 27001 serve as guiding lights for organizations navigating the complex maze of security requirements. However, it's crucial to recognize that not all controls within these frameworks carry the same weight. Let's explore how to leverage the flexibility inherent

Frank Domizio
Members Public

Customer-Centric Cybersecurity: A Service Excellence Guide

Business enablement, customer service, and empowering the end user are all terms or phrases we throw around in cybersecurity. Today, we are thrilled to dive deeper into the art of providing exceptional customer service in our ever-evolving cyber landscape. Customer service is talked about in almost every industry, from grocery

Frank Domizio
Members Public

Welcoming Your New CISO: Building Bridges in Cybersecurity

Embarking on a new chapter in your organization's cybersecurity journey can be both thrilling and challenging. I've recently stepped into the role of Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at a dynamic company. With the help of my new coworkers, I've gained valuable insights into

Frank Domizio
Members Public

Navigating the Cyberstorm: Crisis Management in Cybersecurity

Today, we're delving into the tumultuous waters of crisis management in cybersecurity. Cyberstorms can hit hard, but with a well-defined plan, we can weather any digital tempest that comes our way. The Cybersecurity Paradox Cybersecurity is all about prevention, right? Indeed, a robust security posture helps keep the

Frank Domizio
Members Public

The CISO Role: Beyond Technology

Sure, being a CISO means you're the defender of your organization's digital realm. But it's not all about firewalls, encryption, and malware scans. There's a softer side to it – one that revolves around people, relationships, and communication. 1. Establishing Trust as Your

Frank Domizio
Members Public

Building Trust and Security: The CISO's Guide to Relationship Building

As many of you know, I recently started a new role as Chief Information Security Officer for a private company. I firmly believe that taking on the role of CISO isn't just about securing data; it's also about building relationships. In today's digital age,

Frank Domizio
Members Public

The Intersection of Cybersecurity and Mental Health

Explore the unspoken impact of cybersecurity on mental health in our article. Discover the hidden challenges and the path to a healthier cyber-work balance.

Frank Domizio
Members Public

The Role of Empathy in Cybersecurity: Understanding the Attacker's Mindset

Hey everyone! Today, we're diving deep into the world of empathy in cybersecurity. You might be wondering, "Frank, why on earth would we need empathy for hackers and attackers?" Well, my friends, it's time to put ourselves in their shoes (or keyboards) for a

Frank Domizio
Members Public

The Crucial Role of Taking Time Off: A Guide for Cybersecurity Professionals

In the fast-paced and high-pressure world of cybersecurity, it's easy for us to become immersed in our work, often sacrificing personal time and relaxation. However, taking time off and disconnecting from work is not just a luxury; it's a crucial practice for maintaining peak performance, preventing

Frank Domizio
Members Public

Navigating Zero-Day Vulnerabilities: Communicating When Time Is Of the Essence

Dealing with a major zero-day vulnerability can be a nerve-wracking experience for cybersecurity professionals. It requires a delicate balance of technical expertise and effective communication skills to navigate the challenges that arise. In this article, we will explore the significance of soft skills in handling zero-day vulnerabilities and discuss key

Frank Domizio
Members Public

LGBTQ+ Representation in Cybersecurity: Breaking Barriers

June is a time to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community and recognize the importance of inclusion and representation in all aspects of life. At Soft Side of Cyber, we believe in embracing diversity and breaking barriers, which is why we are thrilled to dedicate this article to discussing LGBTQ+ representation in